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Our ethos and promise​


For the Children, Butterflies Haven is committed to:

  • Providing a safe, calming environment where the children feel they are accepted and able to celebrate their freedom to see the world from their own perspective.

  • Helping them understand their individuality and their fellow ASD companions.

  • Shining a light on their talents and abilities and to encourage these to blossom. 

  • Increasing their sense of self worth.

  • Providing opportunities for fun without pressures through games, crafts and music. 

  • To improve social skills, interaction and a team spirit.

  • Creating a 'sense of family'.

  • Facilitating a deepened sense of well-being, confidence and courage in preparation for the adult world.

  • Embracing the siblings and helping them to believe that 'they are not alone' in dealing with the complexity of having a family member who is on the Autism Spectrum​​.


Above all............ To be willing to step into their world and not force them to conform to ours!

For the Parents / Carers, Butterflies Haven is committed to:


  • Providing a sensitive and welcoming environment where parents can relax and feel understood.

  • Helping with sign-posting to relevant services and support.

  • Encouraging a sense of family and providing opportunities for friendships to be forged.

  • Inviting reliable, appropriate, trusted outside resources to support parents/carers and their children.


Above all.............To offer hope in the present and faith in the future.

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